one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Day 13. Gems of Katong.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
![]() Ommiee nomnomz. Ohai. Today went to Katong. Damn hot can... Saw a fort lol. And some stuff. Got food, drinks and people. What's missing? The damn aircon. Bahh. Also visited temple... And Val and Madhu could actually go home striaght haha. We were like, in East Coast. Before leaving we waiting in sch. Super warmmm. But saw the SIMC participants from like, all over the world! Kenya kids will using 103 (: Got so many diff kids... Haha. Some of the boys are cute XD Must go look for the English and Japan kids haha. Anyway, we had to wait for eternity before the horrible bus came. I assume it was late. Bahhh. Then sat with PY to Katong. Got off at a park. And went to see a hidden fort and a pretty treeee. I wanted to see the whole fort T.T But the park no money maintain. So what did they do after they dug up the fort? Well, they covered it back wth. I dont like the grass there. Oh and, some people are just so mature. Then again, most, if not all, the 103 boys are just so gentlemanly. Sigh... Anyway, let's skip. Nothing interesting, had some rice dunpling and kueh,; Then visited the famous Katong Laksa. But I just had a drink. Laksa not my thing. Erm... After that go visit red building then temple; We look super out of place can. Got people look at us .__. Pretty impressive place though. Then I tried to sleep on the bus on the way back. Rather successful, since I was pretty tired. BUT. Some boys just have to make so much noise. After that came back lol. My life isnt exactly very interesting. That said, FMPS6A'09 I MISS YOUUUUU. D: Day 13- A memory that never fails to make you laugh ... Needs to think a little. Aha! Instead of telling, I shall show! ![]() Bahahahha. NATACIA DAMN HIGH :D Always laugh when I see this. Oh and you see that girl in the pink shirt and jeans at the left? The one with the camera, that's me :P This was taken by Mr Seah I think, on grad night, The Final Fantasy. Damnit it brings back fond memories. Zhang Xian and his awesome bbq-ed half cooked sausages... Truth or Dare. And Mr Lim's card game... Yeah. The fun, joy and laughter we had as a class, really makes me laugh! That seemed short. But who cares. :D So to repeat what I said, IM GOING MARINA BAY SANDS! Ohoh and lookie what I found in my Webmail! Apparently I needa vote for NUSH Clicky on it. I was kinda shocked when I saw Fairfield Sec lol. I was like, HUA FEI?! Eh wait. I needa vote for both the Junior Category and Senior Category... I shall be nice and vote for FMSS. Teehee. Somehow I'm looking forward to CCA now. Haha. Zack would probably know why :P And when I'm in Korea, Imma go crazy and buy everything I like there :D Come home cannot carry... That is, if I come home. I hate the phrase 'what if'. It drives me nuts. Then again... What if? whatifididthingsdifferently. |