one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Day 5. Today sucked
Friday, May 14, 2010
![]() Damnit. Today pretty much sucked. Yeah. Got back IH and HMT marks; 35 out of 40 for IH. 91 out of 160 for HMT. The rest, suck too. Needless to say, I am disappointed with all my marks. Thank goodness I passed HMT though. Sigh. Had a CIG meeting today... Anyway, let's not talk about school, it sucks. So... Day 5! Day 05- A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life Promised you with all my sacarsm eh? Yeah! I shall refrain from using my colourful language. Ex-schoolmates would know this person, who has made life very... Facinating, for me. So yeah, here goes...! "Dear Gabrielle, I must thank you dearly for screwing up my life in Primary 6. Without you, I would be living happily and doing my job just like any normal prefect who doesnt have a crazy vice-head prefect screaming at them. Truly, you have excercised and almost certaintly, impaired my ears with your tremedously loud shrieks. I still remember the day you were waiting at my duty post, and reprimanding me infront of the others, and when you purposely mentioned my name to the teachers time after time, though I did not do as much wrong as compared to the other prefects. As the vice-head, I try to trust your judgement, though I still cannot grasp the idea why you choose to pick on me, not those other prefects who do much worse. Had I unwittingly offended you? Your unexplained actions had caused me much distress and a spoilt childhood. Through you, I understood what 'Exco privileges' (aka abuse of authority) meant and what the effects on the unfortunate, like myself. I also understood what one could do with authority. But frankly, I do not feel that you deserved the post. Perhaps it was not fair, the students had no say in it. I must say, Ryan or Joshua would had done a much better job. Once again, I thank you for making my life interesting. After the PSLE, you disappeared with barely a trace. Vanished, as if into thin air. But, nonetheless, thanks for giving me a reason to live. That being said, I have something to tell you. I. Will. Hunt. You. Down. Just like you 'hunted' me down in Primary school. Perhaps you forgot about me, but I will never forget your contributions to my life. I will earnestly 'repay' you, for the colours you added to my life.Till we meet again, Jacelyn Yap. " You know what? After I composed this post and clicked 'Publish Post', the system locked me out? Maybe I was too awesome or something... So well yeah, I kinda got pissed and now this post is shorter than what I had planned out. ...Not 'epic' enough? I apologise; I have many constraints, such as languange etc. Tmr's one will be a tough one. Mousehunt. Kena pwned in Derr Dunes again. Damnit! Devs! Cant you lemme have just one Derr Chief? Congrats to Jaryl on his 3rd, So well, all the best for me in Derr Dunes! Madhu! Congrats for pwning the whole Year One Cohort! And for getting into the Hyde Park Finals! All the best (: We'll be cheering for you! With neon sings (cuz neon is an awesome noble gass), Screaming "M-A-D-H-U... MADHUUUU MAAAAADHUUUUUUUUU!!!" ...Drowning the other speakers in the process. A small, cube-shaped white room, no windows no doors. A dishevelled girl, huddled in a corner. Physically there, mentally in her own world; Where she was truly happy. Though that place was not real, it was the only place she could go. ...Sigh. |