one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Day Nine. Irony...
Monday, May 17, 2010
![]() Whoa it's day NINE. Today was... Alright. Hyde Park finals was pretty cool... MADHUUUUUU!!! Pwned 2 kids 2 years older than her. The only year one.. Heehee. Congrats Madhu!!! Sorry I didnt bring neon signs... :P So, after that had some workshop on speech thing. Madhu's speech was GOOD. :D Instant celeb liao XD Then go back class for workshop. How ironic. Telling us to make interesting and convincing speeches, but... Boring ttm can? Want to sleep one... Day 09- Five things you want to see change Change... Pretty much lots of things I wanna see change in. Haha. Er... In no particular order: 1. My grades. Change for the better of course. They currently are spirally downwards; Into the abyss of hopelessness. 2. America. Please, most of the world depend on them. And there they are war-ing. And their economics... Ugh. So yeah, for the sake of the rest of the world, Obama, please unscrew whatever George Bush screwed up. Love ya man. 3. People... Should I say adults? Or rather, their mindset. ... And how they view themselves and others. I believe in equality for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexuality etcetc; Cuz I believe in freedom of choice. And I hope other will too. Many people, I'm no exception, are selfish and well, want the best for themselves; Their offsprings and nation. No prob there I would say; But I ask to share. If we pooled all our resources together; There would be more than enough food for everyone, even those in poverty. There's a lot I could talk about people changing, but yeah, I wont bore you. We need to look deeper, below the skin's surface. 4. Industries. Well, you might share the same idea as me. I cant stand those that pollute the environment as the result as production. Damn selfish ttm can? You dont care, but others want their houses ya know. And the place doesnt belong to you. Shouldnt even be polluting, whether the place belongs to you or not. Oh wait. Nothing in this world belongs to anyone. Everything came from nature, so they belong to nature. Everything can be derived from nature one way or another. No wonder Mommy Nature hates us now. Guessed we deserved it eh? 5. Last but not least... Myself. Actually, this is kinda what I wanna see change in the most. Rather concerned. My attitude, haha. Procrastinating and irresponsibility. As well as my arrogance and un-tact-fullness. Got more though I strive to be prefect, but fall short by millions of miles; Truly the imperfect perfectionist. Now reaching my adolecence (damn my spelling...?); Very confused about myself, and me, being naturally weak, remains confused; And questions unanswered, would probably remained unanswered. Others are busy with their own probs, so yeah, I'm pretty much alone (at least God's there!) I need change. But then again, I'm scared of changes. I'm scared of risks. But then again, I've nothing to lose, eh? Seems like few in class like paradoxes. Darn I love 'em. Fine. I'll go search some on my own. Hmph. Haha. Tmr's one gonna be tough. I cant rmb any. Guess I have to take from another day... Or skip it. Bahh. God save me. Or someone. Anyway, just save me. I doubt I can save myself by myself. I think I'm looking forward more and more to infocomm (: |