one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Day 4. Script checking...!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
![]() Bahhh. SCRIPT CHECKING SUCKED TTM. OMG CONGRATS MADHU!!! Yeah, you just pwned the whole level. Lost only 2 marks for Math and perfect score in Physics. Hate my work man. Math: 42 out of 63 T.T But I might be able to get one more mark.. Lol. Physics: 52 out of 70. Ok la... Not too bad. English: 23 out of 25 This score pwned the level, but not only me. If I not wrong, Lisa and Del also. So yeah, that's it for today. Dont wanna talk about it. Day 4... What you imagine paradise to be like. I would rather Paradise be something/where that I can be happy forever; Not just transient, but forever. Which means no blasting music or shopping. Reckon most people would say, ah, private island, money, affluent lifestyle... But that is only transient. For me... Uh... God's Kingdom. Haha. Typical answer for a Christian eh? When there is no more evil and sin in this world; And everything is as His plan. Living with God the Father in effusive felicity. Sounds pretty vague though. How about this, a more typical teenage answer; And loves me back. Typical. Being with friends and family would be pretty awesome too. But too many people... Higher chance of probs arising. So yeah, 2 people living in idyllic felicity. Free, without fear, without stress, without limits. Now this does not mean complete freedom cuz that might be bad. We needa know our limits and keep to them. Considerate. When we laugh at the same lame joke; When we care and support each other and love without condition; When we want the best for each other all the time; When all we want is too see each other smile, and be happy; That, is my idea of paradise. You told me not to fight death when it comes, just let it kiss my soul gently and I won’t have to feel a thing.Got your idea? Drop me an email at I might decide to 'feature' yours! Lol. Tomorrow's entry would be epic I promise (: MOUSEHUNT. ETHAN I KNOW YOU ARE IN DERR TOO. PLEASE STOP SPAMMING THE HORN; You are causing my cheese to go stale and FTAs. Please, you are my Mousehunt jinx. Secrets meant to be kept. Lips meant to be sealed. What is meant to be will be. I wish I could see myself through your eyes. I wish I could. |