one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

Submachine 7: The Core / Christmas 2010 / The Red Pill / Burn Down The Forman of Control / Back in action. / TackleCamp 2010: First Love. / Obliviate, / Distraction and enlightenment. / Leakage. / WikiLeaks /
Submachine. (edit)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Submachine 1: The Basement
Submachine 2: The Lighthouse
Submachine 3: The Loop
Submachine 4: The Lab
Submachine 5: The Root
Submachine 6: The Edge
Submachine 7: The Core
Submachine 8: The Plan

Submachine: Network Exploration Experience
Submachine 0: Ancient Adventure
Submachine FLF
Submachine: 32 Chambers

Currently 8 is not out, will be out next yr, but the name has been given already.
Just played NEE for the 1st time just now, when I had some free time. IT WAS AWESOME.
Was given a list of coordinates but found a few more clues to more locations...
Saved all the notes in Photoshop too. The concept is just brilliant. Could make it real too.
Saved all the notes and pics during 7 too.

List of theories from the NEE:
Theory on Defense Systems (Anteroinen)
4 Dimension Net Theory (JackO)
Karmic Civilization Theory (Strange_Planet)
Waveform Expansion Theory (Sakuya Neko)
Dimensional Pathway Theory (- ak -)
The Cipher Theory (les paul166)
Submurchine Theory (Death Road)
Safe Haven Theory (Death Road)
Human Target Theory
Essay (Zerpentos)
Letter (Research team Klearo)

Yeah. I like that the game doesnt hv time limit and there's no way to screw the game up too;
Just try and try... And the concept and meaning behind the game. If anyone wants the theory;
Just contact me, I'll send what I have to ya. The graphics may not be all that amazing;
(reference to Alice In Wonderland) but Submachine has its own beauty. Maybe I'm nuts.
Ok so I have to use the walkthroughs occasionally, but gotta say Submachine is the best game;
Or rather, best series of games. For me. Ok I could go on about how awesome it is.
Just go play them for yourself. It's in my links. Or go Google it. Cant wait for 8 :D

Wow. Was at a Submachine forum and read about the NEE and Submachine theories;
Realised how many theories and locations I missed out damnit. Lots of hidden clues too....

Layout: vehemency