Wasted morning & Flyerworks.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
So well. Sorry didnt blog yesterday; When I came home from the wedding I was almost dead. 8.30 to 4.30 -Leadership training 7.30(left house) to nearly midnight - Allen's wedding. What was I doing in between? Something I do now during all my free time. Sleeping Been really exhausted like all the time.
So, the training. NUSH was holding the SSSOPS. LOL. At least I think that was what it was called. Met Lisa in the Audi together with Jun Li. I think. Er ya. Got notes, 2 evaluation forms and a not-so-innovative file. Heehee. First workshop was held by coach YQ. Whose real name I shall not post here. He was really funny... Played icebreaking games with us (: We gathered in a biiiig circle and were suppose to be a bunch of monkeys; Then he picked a monkey leader and a zookeeper The game goes: monkey leader suppose to do and change actions and we the rest follow Then the zookeeper had to guess who the monkey leader was. It was really fun. Also played a couple more but this was the most fun. During the training he talked about his life too, and made the lesson very interesting. Madhu and the rest of the folks came after a while. But no Surya in sight. Neither was he there.
Lunch we had well, packed lunch Same manufacturer as the Orientation pack lunch guy. Ate up all the greeeeen gummy bears in Lisa's pack of sweets. Also had a free chicken wing. Dunno where the plate of it come from though.
After that we went to talk to Lisa in the lower audi before the 2nd workshop started. When the 2nd workshop did start, me and Madhu were in the upper audi; Very few Year 1s... Only like, me, Madhu, Surya and Theophila from ZX's class. Listened and copied notes in that freezing place then got into groups to discuss; Ohhh yes it was freezing. And nothing we could do. We had no control over the temp...
Discussion. Pick a question and discuss. Should folks under 18 be allowed to go into clubs. That was roughly the question we picked. Not a variety we had to choose from anyway. Our stand was NO and we wrote some stuff. After a while I lent my jacket to Madhu. When discussion was done we moved to the concourse to present. Lisa's gang was there; And loud they were. After presenting we played games! First one was planned by Gabriel Sidik and a girl. Tuna Factory. Boys lie down in one row and girls too. Then the fella on one extreme end; Well, start rolling. Yes, over everyone else. Using our special age (dis)advantage; We Year 1s positioned ourselves at the back, hoping there was not enough time for our turn. Which in the end, there wasnt, so yes, we were very happy. But not when sooo many girls rolled over us. Me was squished.
YOU SHOULD SEE THE BOYS. Damn rough. Instead of rolling is... Flying? They use elbow to power one. XD But there was a point coach YQ pointed out; The physical anatomy of females restrict their performance in the game; You know. That. 2nd game wasnt as fun. Didnt do much.
Went back, copied notes and left. Is there more? I'm sorry for not typing more. It's probably boring, what I told you. But today my head's messed up sorry. The training with coach YQ was really funny and good. I'm just not thinking right.
After my dad fetched me home, I watched Lost on AXN then slept. I had every intention to wake at 6.30. But woke at 7. Resulting in rushing, Parents not happy and us being late. But when we reached, we were greeted well; A series of fireworks. Yes, Allen was really lucky. It was held in a restaurant; In the same building as the SG flyer. And NDP rehearsal was going on. Hung around before proceeding to the restaurant. Same table as Fion's family. Gosh I love that girl. One year younger than me but I feel she's about my age; Chatted a lot and had a lot of views in common. Anyway, the bride was damn chio. The dress was like a toga. Then at the side of the hip the cloth gathered a little. Food? Even more pro! The ÉCLAIRS WERE DAMN HEAVENLY. AND THERE WAS CHOCOLATE FONDUEEEEEE. AND MARSHMALLOWS. HOLIEEEEE. Buffet-style. The fish was cooked well, its meat was really good. The sushi were gone in a flash the the double-boiled chicken soup was fantastic. But the most I ate was the éclairs LOL. XD Followed by fish and Choco covered marshmallows.
Hung out with Fion at the man made garden and chatted teehee; Also chatted with her on the sofas outside the restaurant; Where before the wedding started, a series of beautiful fireworks happened. Chatted about our siblings, family, school, fashion and stuff yeah. I think she's really lucky. Her parents are against biasness... Everyone gets rewarded when it's due and treated fairly. Me, on the other hand... Nahh. But at least I'm slightly more prepared for the cruel world? Really loved talking with her ♥ I guess I should post the pics I took? Not much. Didnt take pic of the food and pic of the couple not clear...

Heh. That was yesterday. Today for church had a lecture. Barely listened, once it was over me, Sam and SF quickly zao far far. A bit happened but as I said, I'm not thinking straight. I slept most of today away too. I think I need more sleep. Damn.
My mind feels messed up and so does my heart.