one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Chemistry, British and microscopes.
Friday, July 2, 2010
![]() Had Chem, IH, Bio make-up and CCA! Also got back last sem's english paper; Which I still wonder how Del got 23. Sigh. CCA was good (: But after CCA, didnt get to go with folks eat... Cuz my dad want fetch me, then he late. Cannot trust that guy. Ever. No wonder my sis is like him... Same looks, size, and attitude. For Chem we ran through holiday work, which quite a few I went to ask Sumay; Who is Chuen Wee's sis. Who is currently probably mugging for O lvls. Meh. Anyway, me and Madhu got one whole chunk wrong because as the lazy folks we are, We rounded off the Relative Atomic Mass when we were finding the Relative Molecular Mass; Which resulted in every single answer wrong. I got one wrong by 0.004. FML. And I am very disappointed with my Chem prac. I hope I dont screw Chem up this sem. Also did a Chem ws in class. Hahaha I finish so fast. Ferrous ftw! IH. Was alright. Did stuff about what happen when the British was in SG, Which didnt make the Dutch very happy. Good and bad people. Anyway, if not for them; Whether good or bad, SG wouldnt be as it is today. Properous, advanced, safe. Anyway, after that we had mentoring. Me and Madhu almost went off for lunch.. Whoops. Mentoring. Did a survery haha. I bet in almost every class, the people want most... Is to get rid of the stupid turnstile. It's so infamous it even has a FaceBook page. The Student Councilor (shit spelling fail), really put in alot of effort... For the Student lounge. Revamped, more games, repainted, new system. Hardworking peeps. :D For Bio, since our teaher zao half way during the previous lesson for meeting; We had a one hour make up practical today, in the new lvl 6 lab! You know, the newly built, high class aircon labs? YEAH :D Climbing was tiring... We only went there cuz the normal labs were being repainted haha. Used the microscope to view the tiny cut out piece of newspaper. So cool! Totally different from what we see with naked eyes! Teacher even extend dateline for practical ws lehh! On the way back, we saw some older year folks doing chemical experiments, The looked very serious. Val and Woo Jin stopped and stared in awe lol. I was pretty amazed too. :D They stare until the girl wave at them... Then zao. :P As Year 1s, we are very amazed at a lot of things. Teehee. While waiting for CCA, we were in the class doing work. Aha so hardworking. Surya (from 101) joined us after a while. I wished she was in 103 (: Instead of those un-gentlemanly, immature boys. Sheesh. Val was doing her rubic cube. Gahh. Hate those things. Oh and it rained, bad. Lucky for me, as a member of the Infocomm Club, I was indoors :D Oh, for Infocomm we were doing 'cleaning'. Editing raw manga pics. Which I failed terribly... And Wiggio refused to load as usual, Sparking off a lot of complaints. So instead of downloading the file, Our leader tranfered the file to a few of our thumbdrives... Which we then passed around. While waiting for my turn for the transfer, Rittik was hugging his bottle; Oh yes, Wan Shen loves taking it. Long story. Another member was there and he was giggling and I was suppressing big smiles in me; Hahaha. Got to talk a couple of sentences with him :D After a while, we were called to the lab for the older kids; Apparently there was some proposal presentation for us. First 2 were alright... Next one was EPIC. Spelling errors till fail lol. 'Activitys' HAHA. Still got more... The slides also funny XD Irony is, the team got one english boy. Very funny. When my dad fetched me, we went to eat at a ice cream shop my mom found recently. Which was alright. I still prefer Gelato Art, which unfortunately, They are closed till 13 July. The owners is an amiable old couple. :D Came back and hop to TV lol. Finally home (: Watched The Most Extreme (Animal Planet) and Mythbusters (Discovery Channel) The latter damn funny haha. Jamie and Adam trying to test if... During hurricane better close or open window lol. Myth, apparrantly if you open, The air come in go out, little damage. But in the end busted lol. Tori, Grant and Kari, tested if a head was put in liquid Nitrogen for 5 sec, It was smash like ice when smahed with hammer device Grant made. They put some stuff on Kari's face to make a mold, in the end pulling her eye lashes. Uh huh. But it turned out fine. It was plausible, even when they used pig head. Just... Not what they expected. Then their second experiment, when tree doused with liquid Nitrogen, it would explode; Supposedly, since 2/3 of the tree is water, the wated might expand rapidly when cooled, In the end, exploding. Sheesh. First, they exploded a normal un-doused tree, To see what they are expecting. But it did not turn out as such. The doused tree aint no exploding. Why? Cuz got air space apparently. So got space to hold the water. Oh well. Guess I better close this post now. Been feeling a bit weird (not physically) these few days... For better or for worse. |