one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Day 16. Few more days.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
![]() Day 16 here. OHOHOH GREAT SINGAPORE SALE. Yeah it started :D Whoot. When/If I come back from Korea; Imma hit 313 and ION :DD Mwahahahahaaa. ...Let's hope my mom lets me. Anyway, it's day 16! -silence- Day 16- Something that you want to do within the next five years. Within the next 5 years... 5 years isnt a lot. In 5 years I'll be... Wait. How old am I now anyway. Oh I'm 13 this year. So in 5 year's I'll be... 18. Wait... Next 5 years + this year = 6 years = The time I'm in NUS High; Naturally, I wanna stay alive, and do well in school. Do well in Chemistry and English... Yeah. Dont know why, but now I like English; Haha. I bet if Mr Lim saw this, his eyes would be wide open. Now that was the 'normal' response from a student in a good school. What about a typical response from a little girl? Ok, maybe not so little, but still. I wanna be a happy little girl. Basically, be happy. Always wanted that, who doesnt? But I know that isnt possible at the rate I'm going, so heck that. Now I shall act mature. I wanna find the meaning in my life. Ahh damnit. Being me, I dont like seeing things go to waste; I cant even stand not using both side of paper. So after I was born, used up so much of Earth's resources and such, I dont wanna go to waste. I mean, then everything I did (not that I did much, but still) would go to waste. Personally, I would refuse to die before I find out why the shit did I have to go through all this shit. But the overall decision lies with God anyway; If he wants me to die before I find out why I lived, nothing I can do. But this is kinda my basic plan. ...But I guess I can do this pretty much anytime, no need to be in the next 5 years. Provided I'm still alive. Ok whatever, screw everything I wrote. I'll just go as life brings me along; I'll just tackle what life throws at me when it comes; I'll just think about it when the time comes. 见机行事 Tmr's activity looks interesting. RI Writing camp tmr, SMO in a few day's time. My flight in a few days time too. Havent started packing... Will pack straight after I come back from Queensway ♥ Think I'm like, reaching the airport slightly before midnight on June 1st, But my flight's at around 2am or 3am on the 2nd. ...Provided I'm still going, that is. Been keeping tabs on Korea these few days. Clinton did a talk, let's hope it's effective. China has been very silent, few, if any, comments. I pray they havent anything up their sleeves damnit. Look. As if I'll tell you anything. I've enough of you and your lies. Lying is as easy for me as it is for you. You thought you helped me; All you did was allowing me to realise I should shut up and keep my feelings to myself. "Close your eyelids and the light will challenge them to open. Open your eyes and the pain will force them to be shut again" -My Reverie |