one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Code Geass...?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
HECK THE LYRICS.CODE GEASS IS BACK. The manga one. They updated it and then I reaslised I havent read like 10+ chapts. OMG LA. Lelouchhhh is back~ I like his hair. And his attitude:D Something like Ceil's one, arrogent, stubborn, headstrong... Both are ultra smart too... Just that Ceil is really short and Lulu is tall :)) And that Ceil was born in 1875. LOL @ chapt 14. Chapt 15 pg 10: RIVALZ FAIL. Hard to believe Lulu is Britainian(??) His hair is jet-black and his eye colour is purple. Chapt 16 pg 2 soooo cute ♥ *sigh* they dont show the Knightmares anymore~ I think Suzaku's one is nice... Xian. The anime for Code Geass ended long ago... D.Gray Man also, but manga havent. Skipped a few chapters... LOL C.C and her pizzas... Ceil~~~ I like his opinion of the world, (aka I agree with him) "Only two kinds of people exist in this world. Those who steal and those who are stolen from." Then he adds, "So then, today I just stole your future, that's all."But I dont really agree with the second part... D.Gray Man. Awesome stuff...sad end so early... the manga havent end yet... Musician... Lovely piece... LOL I rmb last time had to come out with a piece of music for something... Then I got James to print out the score sheet for Musician; Then pass to Colin to try; Then Colin had no idea how it was suppose to sound and said it was rubbish.. (He probably messed it up) -sniggers- (and yes, Colin plays the piano) Colin the Runescaper/Pianist. Teehee. toolatetoregret; |