one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Inside your restless soul your heart is dying; OMGOMG I FEEL SOOOOO HIGH. PSLE FINALLY OVER. OVER. Today went JP with Sherrie, LX, Millie, Rae, HH and Nana. If not for Sherrie and LX, I wouldnt have got the shoes! But no regrets la... Then bought some stuff at Minnie Toons an 77th street (cuz got discount) TEEHEE, got people complain about Maths Paper. And A LOT. BOOYEAH. More complain, lower the average, happier the Jacelyn. Last question not hard what... why so many people say hard, I used algebra. People say last question hard, I say easy. People say angle easy save their lives, I say angles killed me (I left blank and couldnt find the equilateral) IN YER FACE MATH PAPER. I LOVE SCRUMP (Lilo's doll) and STITCH. Now PSLE over, focus on Prison Break, Blog, Skinning, Photoshop, RS, CP. Greenday is AWESOME (TY JAZZY!) Happy belated bday to JM and CCW. Happy coming bday to SYN. I'll make a new better looking skin soon I promise... I CANT WAIT TO GET OUT OF FMSP AND NEVER RETURN. YES. NEVER. There's no reason why I should return anyway, I'm going to live in Jurong; Yeah, Im moving house, so if want to enjoy my condo facilities must come this week. Boo. Scrump. Go Jurong Library with Phoebs next week :) VIVA LA {imbecomingintoanightmareineverimagined} lets sue MOE for the hard math paper. |