one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Interclass Games, day 1;
Monday, November 2, 2009
All this bullshit you put me through; TAG. For the love of mankind. I know you, yes you animated creature snuggly situated infront of this lifeless screen, bead-like eyes scanning this state-of-the-art blog of mine, TAG. Playing Sorority Life and Mousehunt on Facebook now. HWEE HIANG, if youre reading this, go see my Mousehunt page; Enough to make you jealous~ Finally! Managed to catch the Fairy Mouse that carries the Lagoon map. Nyaaa~ Hwee Hiang already got 5 Rockstar. Jacelyn bu shuang. Xian, I think need go Mousoleum soon... End of Halloween even then see how ba... Ok, onto today. Basketball for 6A: Not very amusing outlook. But at least got to play... Zac and his unwanted comments ._. LOL Sherrie: Drink shampoooo :D 6A Soccer DA BOMB. Everyone's talking about the team. Whole day: Epic. One goal. Milo does wonders~ [ask 6F basketball team] LOL SUDDEN URGE TO EAT APIRCOTS. [ask those that read my fb statues] My mom say tmr she buy me Milo and one box of dried apricots :D Charity Sale is utterly... sad. Met with a hair-pulling deadline and lack of resources, life is sad. But I dont really care. Just do my bit to help out. LOVE DRUNK by BOYS LIKE GIRLS DOWN by JAY SEAN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Many people have been asking, who is this second guy? I think many of you think its the 'original mooey', guess what? IT'S NOT. HA. Even Phoebe took a while to guess so dont think you'll come up with anything soon. Books. Saturday went Jurong library. I'M GONNA READ THE WHOLE TRACES SERIES. Malcom Rose, Traces is AWSOME. In Mozart's Shadow, when I read the first few chapters, I felt like throwing the book outta da window. Seriously. Not that it was boring, it was, in fact, too vividly written about her life and her life wasnt good. The Thornwaite Inheritance, beautifully twisted, Mel would agree with me. Eh time to sleep before my dad not happy. Pray and hope that 6A bball tmr win all XD |