one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

FREEDOM. / SUPERHIGHHHH; / PSLE{andstilloncom} / Term4opening; / WednesdayEPIC. / PostPrelimDismay; / Post Prelim Joy/Depression; / Teachers' day eve; / Dont go changing; / Magic Buck; /
Friday, October 16, 2009

From the world that make me crazy;

Wa. Yesterday party, today also party!
Today the Beyond Cameras activity was ok, but I didn't really like it...
Not planning to submit to the gallery either...
Today's convivial party was great!
Went to my house play ping pong, took pics, then went to SF house.
Play in the playground, took weird pics, jump shots, play swing...
AWESOME. Went SF house, eat, drank (water) play!
I was playing solitare (??) with Sherrie while the rest played some snap jack.
People who went: SF, JM, Nana, SL, Jaz, Yiyan, Sherrie, Me!
Later best la, we played Cheat!
And then after a while, Sherrie became the most 'powerful' then I won :)
But then rounds after that, I also became quite 'powerful'.
Wow for JM, it's ultra hard to descry her cheating! Can become future conman.

Woah. I'm playing Uno on FB now... Won 4 our of 4 rounds :D
Ok. That's enough. -stops playing Uno-

K, then some stuff happened which need no saying...
:) Go home time and play com until now.

Gee. I still haven't got back the blogging enthusiasm back! See la! After not blogging for so long.
At first when I stopped blogging, I felt withdrawl symptoms! (jkjk)
Now I cant remember the euphoria I felt after clicking 'Publish Post'
Now the skin so plain... Must titivate it!

:)))) Now. Some people have the idea that I like another person (aka two in total)
Well, I can't say this is true... But neither can you assume this is false.
Ahhh... Now PSLE over, next week whole week bo school, can man man sink back into my reverie...
Speaking about daydreaming, this blog has not a tinge of it. Dang.

Anyway, really moving house on Sunday and I'm super excited!
I went to see it yesterday, CHAO DA. CHAO MEI. My room is huge!

Started as crush;

Ended up meaning everything in the

Layout: vehemency