one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Blinded every angel
Thursday, May 26, 2011
So the breakdown for today was, waking up to my alarm at 10am, followed by repetitive actions;Of pressing the Snooze, finally turning off the alarm and waking up around half past noon. Then camping in the living room w/o my phone, headphones or laptop. Just me, Haw and books. Completed final chapts of A Nicer Way To Die, then read A Web Of Air from start to end. No lunch, no toilet break, for about 5 hrs straight I think. Could be more, but I read the book finish. After the book I decided to check on my phone. Cut off from the world for too long XD Sorry whoever txted me and I replied so late T.T Got one from Mr Yeo too :D For... -drumroll- CHAOS! Congrats to both teams, for getting into finals! I was.... elated I guess. Shocked too? For one, I didnt expect to get into finals. And... CHAOS month was well, chaotic. Had to figure formulas, redo calculations, piece everything and all the explanations..... Pretty much did the whole Chem section (9qns) and a Bio essay, in less than a month. Meet ups, refining. Thanks for all the hard work Soo Young, Garett and Girish! (the teachers too) And now... It's a new challenge. The finals. Bring. It. On. So, Tues was visiting the ArtScience Museuem while Wed was Green Circle, an Eco-Farm. Museum we had a guided tour for Dali's exhibition... Which was... Disturbing. I must admit his sculptures are pretty cool and meaningful but his sketches and paintings... They were kinda hard to see a lot of them through the eyes of art. Many made him look; Well, an eccentric pervert. Saw Van Gogh's exhibition and Shipwrecked, mostly China stuff. Wed. Eco Farm. Played Taidi on the way there, till Mr Foo told us off XD Killed time :D And according to the rules we set, PY and Anders hv to kiss twice. Anywhere XD (hehe came up with the rules cuz I knew I wouldnt win/ lose) You 2, I shall make sure :D As PY said, Farmer Evelyn was very motivated. The place stank too. Very hot. Wow. Toured ard the place, didnt listen much cuz I was occupied on watching out for insects .___. Tiew was panicking at one pt cuz red ants loved him too much XD Ethan had a forked wooden stick; A big one. And Matt was annoying WJ, who had an umbrella. NTZ was waving the peanut plant; That our tourguide gave XD On the way back was an epic game of Monop Deal, on the bus. Ohoh and helped Tiew get Party Rock Anthem for his Taptap4 :D EVERYDAYIMSHUFFLIN' And I broke the curse when I sat on the 'cursed spot' and still won the game of Taidi :D From the farm we got a plant each too :D I named mine, Lisa's, Madhu's and Val's D Mine: MAOMAO Lisa's: BUENO Madhu's: CHOCKY Val's: WAFFLES So, 3 out of 4 books I borrowed done. Finish the last by tmr and I can go library on Saturday :D A Nicer Way To Die was good, main character was very well defined and structure was similar; To The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time, the story alternating w chapts of his past experiences. Which allowed me to immerse myself more into him, and understand his actions. I could identify w him, understood his feelings of feeling out in the family, misunderstood by authority. It was a simple story, a thick book, detailed account of his 2day horror/ adventures. A Web Of Air was what I was looking for for a long time: a well described steampunk story. Not very steampunk, just a little. Loved how it tied w our present world. And the characters; Their viewpoints, characteristics etc. Part of the Mortal Engine series, will search the rest :D "[...] What about your worst nightmare?" "I don't have any," [...] "[...] 'cos I've got nothing to hide in the day that has to come out at night. [...]" That was a little portion from A Nicer Way To Die. It meant quite a lot to me. What do I hv to hide? What am I hiding? What am I hiding that so often, for so long, nightmares of the highest intensities scorch my mind; When I close my eyes, often greeted by snapshots burnt on my retinas. On replay. All the mental torture without any physical evidence. Who would understand something so irrational. |