one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Sunday, April 18, 2010
![]() Just the time that goes by, What will happen from this point? I don't know. A night that is more deeper than in the darkness, I was feeling lost in loneliness. Then this is how I want you to realise that, Because I want to escape from here right now. ----------------------------------------------------------- Didn't go to church today. Cuz I decided to stay home to finish my pile of work. Sorry Mel! And yeah, I'm researching for some stuff now wth. Not much today, a short post. Now. I'm starting to hate blogs that have small fonts. And really emo blogs. Like the whole world collasping. Gosh. I mean, yeah I kinda understand... I used to be like that. But whut. Personally I think that's quite self-centered. But you shouldn't care what I think. I mean, you're still alive arent you. Think about all those people without food, clothes, parents. They are in worse states. So the guy you likes, likes another girl, and now you're all emo and sucidal. Right. Well, those people are ****ing starving and dying. Yeah wth. When did I become like that... Recently I guess, when I was aware of the states of these people; I learnt to be more optimistic 8D I mean, if they can live happily in spite of their conditions, why not me? And I'm not all emo well, there isnt anyone for me to be emo over. If I ever meet him, I only have a couple of conditions lol wth XD And I get all agitated when food is wasted. And paper. Oh yes. I can be blamed for a lot of things. Yeah. But one thing I can't be blamed for, is hating them. My hatred for them. Forever. It's partially my fault, but mostly theirs. Pushing the blame. And that't something I hate a lot, second to Satan and evil-ness. Oh dear. I'm pretty tolerant though. Other than a few things that really drive me nuts. Few things.. Really few. Like I really can't stand attention whores and twits. Other than that I'm a nice person (: I rarely bite. Unless your arm is coated with chocolate or something. Or if history repeats itself. Ohoh and I'm quite particular about privacy and rights. And I dont care much about hygiene and gender. Since young I mixed a lot with both genders lol. I'm a tomboy 8D I rmb P1 play 'Police and Theif' with the boys wth. What is in the past stays in the past. The future is unknown. Settle the present before thinking about the future. I dont believe in true love. In general. I have my theory about that. But ignore me, continue thinking what you think. The world won't change for me. Aww. And being the stubborn fella I am, I wont change either. Whoops. I'm just one person, with a billion other people. Me disappearing wont matter. We just have to accept the fact life is sadly fair. Very sad, and very fair. In the end everything will be fair. That scares me a great deal. So yeah. I think a lot. But after what happened, I can't feel safe to post what I think here again. So I'll have to bottle them up til I meet someone that would listen to me. Someone what would tell me I'm not crazy, and mean it. Someone that would make me feel special. But I guess I'll have to wait long long. Time is what I have. Sanity is what I lack. Love is what I need. But without it I think I'll be fine. Afterall, it's something good to have, yet not compulsory. However, finishing my homework is. And they're something I haven't done. Right. Oh. And anyone knows where go get bf tees and high waist shorts? And recommend some BB cream please. |