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Chem FTW. Always.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
![]() Do I? Guess not. -waves- Boo! We had Chem today! And Math (boring without Ms Ng!) And also the terribly mundane Olympiad; Which Imma dropping after this year. Oh ya there was IH. Which both sucked and rocked. LOL . You rock PY pebble Madhu gravel I mountain. Hehe XD Chem. FTW! Awesome subject + Awseome teacher + Awesome lab = :D Got back the quiz 2 results. Wa crap I hate q7 =.= I topped the class for that test, 17 out of 20. 但最容易的题不会做。Wa crap la, the last question so easy I couldnt do... Then based on quiz 1 and 2, Mr Yeo ranked the class... Guess who topped? David 2nd... WHY DAVID. WHY?!?!?! And yes, I don't like David. Pardon me but, he's sadistic, twisted and physco. And yeah, if you hadn't guessed yet, it's me. Bah. 88.6%. Around there. We beat 104 (: For pratical we had to test Napthelene, Iron 2 Sulphate, Iodine, and something else; For electical conductivity, solubility in hexane and di water, and boiling point. Wakaka. Failed. I misread 5cm3 for 5cm. Then I go use ruler instead of measuring cylinder lol wtf. And was a little too generous with the iodine, which resulted in the testube turning very purple. Irony: WH was wearning gloves but I wasnt and his hands got stained by not mine. LOL Then Matthew and gang found out hexane was less dense than water and poured them together; He also put iodine in the hexane, so is like purple liquid floating on transparent liquid :D After that had health check. Meh. So many ppl born in Mount Elizabeth. Zack's baby foot so cute XD My spine the nurse say not good D: Needa sit upright! Tsk. IH. Mrs Lim was so shocked we were so quiet lol. That's cuz we hadnt eaten since morning assembly and had no energy to talk... So being a kind person, she decided to hold her lesson in the canteen :DD Had an activity which I didnt really fancy... But rather fun nonetheless. Math. Boring... The Mr Tan barely did anything wtf. Just let us do 4 questions then left. MS NG! WE NEEEEED YOU!!! Math Olympiad. I will soooo give up after this year wtf. LISA, CARILYNNE, PY! SEND ME DA NAPOLEON STUFF!!! Jiayous. Need to start on book review soon. And bio prac... Right. 6A'09 folks. June hols better have class party before I come and bangbang your door like loan shark. Heh. Thinking of class blog for M10103. But dont want bah. I got more than enought things to do liao. Sheesh. Raining past few days. Affecting me health... And my tooth is affecting my mood. Wtf. I dont want have it yanked out!!! D: |