one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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SOS. 7/4
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
![]() Hello people! Wonder if ppl like Dixin, Sherrie and Malvin still read... Hello ex/current Fairsians! Today. Was ok... Not too good, not too bad. But yesterday, was epic. Awesome I would say. Me, Pin Yee, Carilynne and Lisa chatting; We were planning to discuss about our Chinese work. But then I notices PY's name, fall. So I remarked, You fall, I rise; Then, You fall, I summer, or winter. Or spring maybe. And somehow, it escalated to running on the beach... And _ _ _ _ _ _ dancing in a wonder woman costume singing 'Nobody', and breaking into many little of himself. Basically, there's a looooong story which evolved along the way. _ _ _ _ in a long purple sparkly dress; _ _ _ _ _ _ tied to a chair; OHOHOH AND SINGLE LAHHHDEEEEES XD Anyway, no harm intended, it was just the magic of boredom and randomness. Math. Ms Ng didnt come. But heard got good news (: So we didnt have Math test! Whoots! 5 types of factorization, gosh. Break, library mostly... Me and my crazy car :D DVP. Ok la... Did mostly sketching. WASEH. WOO JIN PRO! Sketch like damn awesome maxx. You should have seen the look on Madhu's face when I showed her my drawing; And said Lisa drew it XD Erm... Yeah rotate your head. (click) Not very good in my opinion; Didnt have any guides of rulers. Only a pencil, eraser and paper. Sheesh. My sch gonna have some speech thing; 2 categories, 'Interconnecting World' and the impromptu category. Madhu convincing me to go XD But I scared lol. Speech in the canteen. Very demoralising, people eating, not listening to you. Wtf. MH. Got Black Widow! Ambush/Aqua/Gouda in Nerg. NO SHIELD. HEEHEE. Though I'm getting pwned in Nerg. Oh well. Time to go eat dinner. Forget the past. Turn away from the future. Concentrate on the present. Now. |