one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Sunday, April 4, 2010
Blessed are those to have not seen and yet believe.![]() Today went to FMC for the Easter thing. I thought it was at 11.30am... But is 11am, then kena half hour late =.= Sheesh. But the performance was quite disappointing... Oh well. But the sermon was fantastic. Well, Christianity basically revolves around the ressurection (spelling wrong?) of Jesus. If a messiah dies, that fella aint no messiah. But some people say He didnt raise from the dead; Swoon Theory. Could not have been true; I mean, if you were bloody, made to carry a cross, nail pierced hands, stabbed in the stomach; Embalmed, in a cave for 2 days, would you have the strength to move a huge-ass boulder... BY YOURSELF. (Rmb you are human) Yes my foot. Made up story? I think not. In all the gospel clearly state that the body were found my woman. Now I must mention, in those times, woman cannot testify and be witness; Like, if you murder a man in front of 100 woman and no men, you will be let free. (wtf?) So, if they made up a story, they wouldnt use woman, I doubt they are that stupid. Now, you can die for your beliefs; Even mistaken beliefs; But would you die for a lie? A belief you know it's fake? Why were the disciples willing to die for the belief that Jesus had risen then? They had seen him, and touched him. Of course. Unlike many other religions, Christianity did not evolve over time. Some religions did that, as time passed, the beliefs build up. But Christianity, almost literally, exploded over night. Now, this is nothing, there's more, I could spend a whole day explaining everything to you. Wait, what's that? You won't believe cuz there's no proof? There sure is, proof the red sea was parted, proof for lots of stuff. But not 100% proof. If there was, what's the need for faith? Judas is a carrot (: Hehe. Now, he didnt just die and raise from the dead you know; He's coming back -dramatic music plays- In the past, if someone east finish at the restaurant, he would normally crumple his tissue after wiping his mouth. But if he wanted to just go toilet and come back to eat, he would fold the tissue nicely (so when he com back eat he got tissue wipe mouth lol) Jesus, when he rose, his linen was neatly folded. Oh well. So there. Enough of that. I'm sure there are some of you readers who dont intend on converting. Mousehunt. Pwns. Luther, you dont want play Mh you gimme all your moneyyy (: You play until Legendary then say MH sucks. Crazy ding dong. I kena pwned in Nerg T.T Oh ya, had mass chat yesterday XD Freaking funny. Think is Jaryl invite one kahoona of people. LOL All of us didnt exactly know everyone else; So it was a little chaotic... But still, very fun cuz we were talking about random crap. PIN YEE IS THE ASIAN MEGAN FOX LOL. LUTHER IS THE ASIAN TAYLOR LAUTNER LOL. But Pin Yee hotter than Luther XD Waseh funny ttm :D APPLE CRUMBLE OMNOMNOM ♥ LOL JARLIEEE FRYING EGG. How on earth did we start talking about hot lol XD First, Jaryl told Lut to GTH (go to hell) But someone said Gabriel (gay-bra-elle) The Hot. LOL. So well, yeah. Pin Yee: Hell, Jacelyn Jacelyn: Heaven, Pin Yee. Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth :] |