one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Friday, November 20, 2009
That tonight's gonna be a good good night; I LOVE YOU PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPS. TheFinalFantasy. TheFinalBattle <-- Dixin and Chuen Wee know what I mean :P BBQ. Epic I would say. Burnt food. Zhang Xian's magical outside-burning-but-inside-freezing sausages and fishballs; But very nice lehhh. Funny moments too... ZX and his bbqing skills :D Good time to take pics too, visit HH and Chelsea the test subjects! Then... THE FINAL FANTASY in the hall; For that we had our 'live band' with teachers as the members :D I GOTTA FEELING. Then some other nice songs which names I forgot. Mr Cheng had a video for us... Then Rae and my glowy stick leak... Stinkystinky. You might think 'Hey, this day is so important, how could you blog so little?' Yo, I woke up at 6, came home at 1130, tired leh. A picture paints a thousand words, go see the pics. After that we played truth or dare... OIOI For my question I VERY PAISEH HOR. Thenthen Malvin had to hug Clarissa. Which from my point of view, was a very friendly one. I HAVE THE PIC. And Natacia dancing with Elijah. And Elijah hugging JM. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU PEOPLE. Not limited to 6A; People like Yuxuan, Tricia Fu, Charmaine See, Ruth Goh, Gen... Even Abigal, Grace, Issacc the two face, Canaan, James Wong who still owes me $$$... Fellow prefects, Kelda, Keziah, Jasmine... Even ex classmates, Ang Xin, Oliver, Aaron Kumar, Gregory the epic joker, Luke Tham... Even random folks like Christie, Claire Lim, Gail, Jia Hui, Lewis and Valerie Wong, Daryl Tok... I rmb Yi Zhi also lmao. ANYWAYS. I want to say YOU PEOPLE have made FMPS life... more interesting. If your name isnt mentioned, please note as long as you have had known me in a good way, you are included. Just that Im really tired. Teachers like Mr Chan, Mr Lim, Mdm Zhang, Mrs Seah, Ms Chua, Ms Fazylla, Mr Ang, Mrs Lee; And so on, thanks on helping me on my FMPS journey; Somehow I prefer refering to Fairfield as FMPS, not FMSP... Maybe cuz 'FMPS' holds more fond memories than 'FMSP'. I'll... miss you all. (Malvin and SL, please be reminded to go organise da party.)
I LOVE YOU ALL PEOPLE. TAG AT MY CBOX. Or email me :D So I can keep in contact :) |