one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

OMG!!! / d.gray man 100 / today so...what la... and also sept 11! / random survey -_-" / science challenge cum mind sports / dieeeee / yay!!!! / :DD / woah / saw this post in zenna's blog so here goes /
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

so fun lor...
and im so happy
im gonna publicise myself
im gonna try my very best to create a laoyapok blogskin for serene fong
i'll put wadeva laoyapok skills i learnt from mr cheng
i just hopes he allow me to use photoshop and dreamweaver
and help ruth create a blog
some how...
and happy my early bdae!
to those goin to my party,
its this coming sat!
and my real bdae is less then a week from now!!
so who eva wanna nice bloggy(like how i help mel) or a decent blogskin created only for you,
contact me!!!
and my blogshop!!!
after exam...

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