one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

dieeeee / yay!!!! / :DD / woah / saw this post in zenna's blog so here goes / fustrating / teehee / yay?!?! / so bz... / quiz ripped from zenna's blog /
science challenge cum mind sports
Friday, September 5, 2008

team A3: natacia, jacelyn, lixuan, phoebe
team B something: long yin, koi kiat, keziah, rachel
science sports: funny... i 'solved' the most diff question
mind sports: even funnier... solved 6(mostly by moi) failed 3, didnt do 1:tower of hanoi!!!
howeva... we got a bronze tropy each but 5b didnt
cresent gals is soooo huge phoebs n i practically got lost
so tired

Layout: vehemency