one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

fustrating / teehee / yay?!?! / so bz... / quiz ripped from zenna's blog / yay!!! / waaaaaaaa / happy birthday... SINGAPORE!!! / whooooot / sorry /
saw this post in zenna's blog so here goes
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Q1. Real Name.

Q2. Nick Name.
A2. alot... siao...jy...jacey...jace...prawnmaster...moodswinger...paparazzi... too many...

.Q3. Married To
A3. siao arr u i still studying... NO LA

Q4.Zodiac Sign
A4. libra

Q5. Male or Female

Q6. Grade School
A6. i not in ang moh land

Q7. High School
A7. nooooooooooooooope

Q8. College
A8. use ur brain

Q9. Resident
A9. singapore? asia? earth? solar system? milky way? galaxy? universe?

Q10. Hair Colour
A10. white... black la

Q11. Long or Short Hair
A11. BOTAK. jkjkjk SHORT

Q12. Smoke
A12. u think.

Q13. Drink
A13. siao arr alcohol

Q14. Available in Love?
A14. um... ya?

Q15. Are you a HEALTH freak?
A15. no!!! i dun even eat veg...

Q16. Height
A16. 1.6!!!

Q17. Do you have a Crush on someone?
A17. yah...

Q18. Piercing

Q19. Tattos
A19. no... too scary

Q20. Do you like yourself?
A20. DUH

Layout: vehemency