one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Alma Mater.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
![]() Teachers' Day once again! Today had celebrations in NUSH; Then went FMPS with ZX. Saw quite a number of 6A'09! Also met up with other sch mates :D Saw teachers too (: And Grace; Playing soccer as always. Didnt get to see Chong Han though; Want a game of Weiqi with him... So, celebrations at NUSH. There was guitar playing, which was ok. Singing too, by a Korean boyband LOL. They sung 3 songs, one of which is from Twilight; Neutron Star Collision by Muse! Muse FTW! But at one word, his voice suddenly high; Then everyone laugh LOL. Also had this know your teacher quiz, quite funny. Got XCL 12 year old pic in Tibet LOL. Most teachers we Year 1 dunno... Then got some awards... Mr Yeo voted Mr Funk Hip LOL. Year 1s cheer like xiao. Overall, it was pretty good. Effort was put in and yeah. I only give gift to Mr Yeo; Since he help me & Xiao Yue for the Chem thing. Oh well. Chem. Sigh. Went back to FMPS with ZX. Took 196 and was playing with his PSP. LOL. Got this Jap game we cant read so he any how press button then give up XD Later when pass by ACS damn crowded. Had to squeeze out later on. Fairfield. We were early, so couldnt go in. Mingled with the crowded; But I couldnt cuz most ppl forgot me. Damn! Had to sit with Phyllis... Later she got sick of me and I hovered between groups. Extra ttm. Thankfully 6A'09 folks came later on and it was great :D Got to catch up, chat, look for teachers together, play cards, etcetc. Gave Mrs Lee and Mr Lim their pressies, left one on Mrs Seah's table. :D Had a game of Raptor to relive those good times... Played captain's ball too. But after a while me and Rae when to sit and chat instead... 6A'09 ppl I saw: Girls: Rae, Millie, Jazzy, SF, Aileen, Cheryl, LX, Dixin, Sherrie, YY, JM, Clar, Nana, Szi Yun Boys: Ivan, CCW, ZM, ZX, Weewee, Samuel, Jacob, RKL, Ian, HH, Mal, Joel, Kai Jie Cant rmb if there were more. Saw the other class folks too. Ruth, Canaan, Gen, Jasmine, Kelda, Keziah, Tian Hui, Oliver, Yu Xuan, Rach etcetc. Even pass years Fairsians were there! Saw Zealeria, Luther and other seniors. It was a pretty good day, relative to the days I spend in NUSH. Some ppl changed a good deal, both in and out. Some stay pretty much the same. Change is not always bad, not always good. For better or for worse. I just hope I change for the better. Michael Paynter ft. The Veronicas - Love The Fall! Love the song. Hehehe. My head's blank these few days. Slept most of days. Barely spend any hours awake, that is, after I come home; Whether there is hw or not, once I come home I sleep, sometimes even missing dinner. Just completed my med course but I'm far from well. Just... Fatigue. Chem open book test coming, hols coming, bad bad bad. Which means Eng Project, Bio A, CM1302 A, Physics A, DV project. Bahhhh. What if I dive off the edge of my life and there's nothing beneath? What if I live like there's nothing to lose just to die on my knees? |