one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Thursday, December 3, 2009
Life is a road and I want to keep going; Woke up late today... Not that theres a specific time for me to be awake...Cuz yesterday not well (refer to previous post) Been blog hopping and slacking again; (sorry SL!) And I realised I dont blog much about my siblings... And no, I'm not gonna launch into a looooong tibute for them; Not theres much to say about them... My younger sis is real irratating so I've the habit (developed after 9 yrs), Of ignoring her and letting her be the attention whore in my house. P4 next year. My older sis, she's quite smart... In NJC now year one. But recently after she decided to play FB games the whole day, Her smartness kinda got fed-up and deserted her. And there's me, stuck in the middle. Well I have to thank my younger sis actually (no matter how much I detest her) When she was born, my parents' hands were full so I was sent away to... My grandma's house! And she was a teacher. So that makes her an ex-teacher. Which means since I was three I had to undergo serious training... Like studying real hard, I was young then so I couldnt really object... I still rmb... all Band 1s for P2... :D Now I dont really talk to either of them; I mean, now everyone got their own rooms so there's no actual need to interact. Wait, there is one need. Boredom. Just that my younger sis is glued to the TV 24/7 (exagerration) And my older sis locks her door, which kinda upsets my parents. So I just stay in my room and feast on my chips :D So there. That's all there is to know about both of them. Not very interesting, yes? I realised I've been blogging, like everyday. Well, that's boredom for you. I have books to read... Oh wait, I am reading them. And hand-me-down books to study... -yawn- I use them to smack flies. Oh yes, somehow flies found their way up to the 21st floor. -sigh- regret sending my Moz map for repair. Now Ronza coming I broke. Damnit. Needa beg some $$$ from Canaan. Maybe some from Kelda and Mr Kueh. I'm getting so bored I started playing Mafia Wars. Yes, boredom working overtime. Boredom should take leave. Go on vacation maybe, or just go pester someone else. MOUSHUNT IS KILLING ME. Lmao. Thanks JM. Been on Stomp recently, seems some people are complaining about Ah Lians now; Ahh... My daily fix of entertainment. I neeeeeeeeeed chocolateeeeee. Just uploaded some pics on FB. Go check em out. Scrump is ♥ |