one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Meet-the-parents eve;
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies; Today asthetics day... so so lessons! (aww yeahh) We had to perform THREE TIMES with the same song... 1st try: Epic fail... couldn't play properly until the instructer came to save us... 2nd try: Better... 3rd: MerLim say this one rocks the world :] Then we went to watch other performances by the other levels... P2: Windchime things... Malvin was like, My lamb chop! My beef! P3&4: Recorder performance P5: Epic failing puppet show... Then recess somethings happened which I shan't say more... After recess was Cockroach's lesson. Showed us a Then we had 'mian fei shi jian', FREE TIME! Serene Lim was making her own deck of cards (by cutting paper and writing on them), while me, Dixin, Chuen Wee, Kay, Elis and Zac were playing cards. Afterwards, Colin and Ian(I think) joined in. Playing? BLACKJACK. Damn Kay and Zac, always get A and Q/J/K together... Wonder if they cheat lor; Or maybe where they sitting the feng qi good... Then at 11 45 we had to go to the hall for a performance... I nearly went deaf... First were the P1s and their performance in which Dixin dozed off and Sherrie nearly did... I went deaf. Well, after that was a play, The Little Prince. I was more alert during this as I love the book; I could tell the missed dout one person, the lamp guy... TOMORROW IS MEET THE PARENTS!!! Oh dang. Bought a pair of skinny jeans from Billabong... Bought a cheap tiny sling bag from pasar malam... So now, I need to get a flat pencil case and a jacket. Lyrics | Minority lyrics |