one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

OMG; / Sandglass (SA1 Compo) / Gives you hell. / The Sun WILL fall from the sky; / Senescent; / Napfa; / Angels on the Moon; / I dare say, LIAR; / Pissed, to da max; / Table Tennis; /
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Been studting like crazy singing mangosteens!
Victoria sms me again and again...
Then we were chatting...
Tution increased cause got exam!
Competition next next Saturday...
After competition straight go church camp.
Mega busy!
Today's weather mega hot also.
My Aunt from Sydney came back yesterday so today going out for dinner...
Crap of a post isnt it?
Cause I'm doing work AND blogging at the same time...
And I've gotta finish this post in 6 minutes...
Some of you ask where to check the SMOPS results;
the link is in the previous post...
Old Airport Road the food got what to recommend?
Went there yesterday and my family was complaining...
Twilight stinks. (Random...)
That Edward guy looks so damn grossly pale and his hair...
Is like... WHOOSH. All blown back and frozen like that...

Listening to Neyo! (Borrow CD from Nana.)

Wanna buy a new sling bag...
And a new pencil case...
And a new jacket...
Most of all, I NEED A NEW LIFE.
Life? Ooo, which website can that be downloaded at?

Layout: vehemency