one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

Table Tennis; / Signal Fire; / Snow Patrol, the new Coldplay? / Scream; / 2nd post of the day; / It never came; / Rise to the Sky; / Onigiri; / Speed Blogging; / Blasphemy; /
Pissed, to da max;
Friday, April 24, 2009


But more pissed pissed than guilty.
Had Chinese spelling in the morning, before recess, so things happen...
Ha. What can I say, I rock.
Somehow, I am feeling more and more doubtful.
After recess, is where the pissed pissed part comes in.
Went to IT Hub for Maths lesson, together with some pupils from the average class;
Somehow, in this post, I feel like using certain words, but even those words can't biao da how i really feel. sad
Shoulden't bottle up your feelings, no?
Face, is what you care about;
Only infront of other people.

Let me comfirm some english words some people are misusing:
Talking speechless
1. To articulate (words): The baby is talking sentences now. 2. To give expression to in words: talk treason. 3. To speak of or discuss (something): talk music; talk business; 4. To speak or know how to speak in (an idiom or language): talked French with the flight crew. 5. To gain, influence, or bring into a specified state by talking: talked me into coming; talked their way out of trouble. 6. To spend (a period of time) by or as if by talking: talked the evening away.
Note defination 1 and 3.

So, we can say they you are lying.
Lying through your socks nose.
Because, Malvin wasn't talking, he was laughing.

Was I screaming? Shouting? Distracting the rest of the class? Bet you just saw my lips move.
Hey, think we are just making stories about you? Bribed all the witnesses? We have proof.

Anyways, I finished all the Maths sums except three of them. pleased

I tucked out my shirt for the rest of the day;
When I tuck out, it means
1. Pissed to da MAX.
2. Super Mega Ultra XIAN.
Think it's a no-brainer what's the reason.

Maths Olympiad, feel super paiseh.
I shan't say more.
Jeng Mun slept for half and hour while Dr. Quek was talking!
I drew some things on her... cheeky
Tomorrow Hwa Chong competition!!! dead
Pray for me?
Then after Maths Olympiad, followed Malvin and Zachary;
Shan't say more...

Now, to jump to lunch...
I had lor mai kai.
Mel brought us MacDonalds;
Super niceeeeeee.

Learnt some new songs from the boys today. cheeky

Bored. Xian. So I will continue ranting and ranting and ranting. cute
After reading my friend's blog, I realised maybe I should be a little more open.
It's my blog after all.
Heh. I seriously didn't know Malvin wants to go ACS. omg
Trust is what I need.
Trust is what I'm losing.
My life is screwed. But I won't let it go to waste.
I know I can't win. But what I can do, is ensure you won't win too.
I want to leave 6A. But there's no where to go to.
6B and 6C are overloaded, and I don't intend to go to an average class;

Fine, you win this time. speechless
COM LAGGING!!! Youtube can't watch... cry
I obsereve the world and it's happening, I know what happened.
Super Funny (Cow Song)
Well, I have my motivations... smile
His smile is like my oxygen...
And I thought I would never fall for him.
I have a fear of Green Tea!!!
And I seriously want to change seat!
My Marshmallow Blast (Hersheys) are depleting rapidly!
Yesterday I ate like, five? grin
My cheese crackers are disappearing too...

as if you'll live forever.

Live, as if you'll die


Layout: vehemency