one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

HK!!! / YIPEE / um...! / BEST PARTIEEEEEEEEEE EVAAAAAA [EDITED} / whoa! / whooooooties~ / quiz :DD / YAHOO / alamak la / theDECEPTIONIST that owns not one, but TWO BAZUKAS /
Friday, December 5, 2008

from hk!
my diary posts will be in so too bad im not goin to post here
the class party pics n hols pics r also up!
so do go to lead to see them!

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