one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

YAHOO / alamak la / theDECEPTIONIST that owns not one, but TWO BAZUKAS / lols / heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey pplWHO0T~3X4MS R FINALLY OVE... / OMGOMGOMGOMG / its my big breaki got half dae offyaymy gm go out:... / waaa exams!! / loljoel the 4th escaped by accidentloltoday i go t... / JOEL /
quiz :DD
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

saw this on megan's blog and had to go all the way to zenna's to get it...

1. Who is your closest friend(girl):
ruth! fu kai en trish! phoebs! lixuan! dixin!

2. Who is ur closest friend(boy):
chuen wee and colin? but tats cuz both r transexual so their the same as girls?

3.What is the most shocking thing that you've found in your life:
hvnt yet la

4.What is the requirement you wish that the other party has:
irratating(but not to a great extent), cute, encouraging and witty

5. Who is your favourite teacher now:
ms chua but she left fmps...waaa

6. Do you believe in love at first sight:
NO WAY love at first sight inst true love

7. Have you broken anybody's heart to the extent that he wants to commit suicide:
doubt so

8. What do you think your best day will be:
when i get my way

9. Have you cried before in school:
yes, i dun hv to say the reason rite?

10. Do you have any regrets in ur life:

11. If ur friends told you a secret, &after that i hate him/her, will I reveal his/her secret :
depends on how gd pals we are

12. If you were almost knocked down by a car, and he saves you, what will you do:

13. Which subject do you lyk most:
maths n sci!

14. What kind of ppl do you hate most in school:
girls tat TRY to flirt but aint successful(makes them look like sluts)

15. What will you do if a guy kisses you:
hold him tight?

16. What are you worst at:
being mushy...

17. How are you feeling now:
angry this quiz is freakin lame?

18. What are you doing now:
doing the quiz la

19. Who are you with now:

20. Who do you love most:
God & JESUS! my friends my family .]

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