one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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eLearning Day 3;
Thursday, March 11, 2010
![]() Zomg. I. Ish. Will. DIEEEE. ZHANG XIAN AND VANESSA AND CARRILYNNE! Thank you! Why I so suay one... Yes la, why I so suay? Spent most of the day doing IH project... Then one page over 2k kb... ZOMG. SUPER PAISEH AR ZACK. You so poor thing lol I almost died. Walao do project until eyeball drop out I not surprised. My dad had a guest at my house today; When they came into my room unexpectedly, MY ROOM WAS SUPER THE MESSY LURH. My maid says like Ninja Warrior one... Ah well. So embarrassing wth. Then today also kena scolded by Dad... Oh well. MR LIM. Please pretty please check your phone and reply my sms? :3 Or I might lose what little I have of my mental stability. -sigh- Been sighing a lot these few days. Spent all my time listening to radio this three days; Radio always on, even when doing work ♥ Jaryl taught me how to play Bumper Stars on MSN today :D So dramatic wtf... Hehe. Kinda pwned him :) But not much as I pwned CCW with MineSweeper Flags. That, was epic and total pwnage. I haven't done finish my eLearning work but here I am, blogging. Left: Bio! (Which I plan to complete after blogging) Math (Which I plan to complete before sleeping) English Essay (Which I plan never to complete, jkjk) English Project. (Which I had intentions to complete by today. Oh well) Math Project (Lisa coming to my house to do on Saturday!) Chinese Project (I dont plan to actually complete it...) Ah well. Zack. Relax. Stop ye waterfalls and fishes... Maybe he just forgot... It's not his fault, what matters that it's done. Once and for all. You guys know my USB hub? The one given at Grad Night. Now, only one eye is enamating light. The other is dead. LOL. Crap. There's this guy keep on talking to me on msn; (he's my classmate btw) But I dont wanna talk to him... Then if I ignore like very paiseh... D: This cannot, that cannot. Eeep. He asking me what time I sleep; Then he asked me what I doing now. You know the irritating part? He nudges at almost everything. Now spamming me with handwritten messages. Kns. Now he wants to play Checkers. -sigh- Good Lord. He just tried to video call me -clicks reject- He just doesnt get the hint that my one word messages are hinting that he should stfu T.T Malvin! Fail la you! SB also can kena stolen by Diamond. Pro! SAMT/Exp/Sb. Waseh pro. XD Me? Currently CCT/GB/Marble. Lab Farming. But in a couple of minutes I'll be at Catacomb Acro/GB/RB Nya~ Adam Lambert was on 98.7 today. Damn funny XD EEP I wanna go his concert. And Placebo's which is coming in a week. I wanna go lots lots of concerts and I want lots lots of things; But not everything can be given to me as I want to to, yes? -sigh- So now. Gtg do my work (hopefully). Tmr House Carnival! The sch ending at 1230 WHOOTS! Going JP with friends :D Woo Jin, Lisa, Ming Jie, Zhang Xian and company :) Moo Moo. Mooey? |