one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

Negative. / Boys&Girls; OrientationNUSHS / Ignition; / Change; / Holmes; / Happy New Year / Christmas? / All the right moves; / Avatar; / EUPHORIA. /
The path;
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Crazy idiot.
I will never talk to you. Ever. You %@#!*^& # %$#^^&%&

Today had Math Olympiad... Could understand most...
Eh, tell you something that happened yesterday. Funny la :D
Me, Valerie and Pin Yee were walking to the MRT station, then I happened to look behind;
And noticed Zack and Ming Jie walking behind us.
So I told Pin Yee and asked if we should quicken our pace, which we did.
Then I noticed then walking faster too.
Then they were asking us to stop, which being nice people, we did.
So, they asked us where Delvin was, and I cant rmb our response,
Then enquired where the MRT was.
We told em to follow us but they wanted to go there quick;
So Valerie pointed out to them, however they looked clueless. LOL
So off they went and in the wrong direction.
Val wanted to schout out to them but I stopped her :D MWAHAHA
On our way to the MRT station, we saw the 2 fellas on the overhead bridge. LMAO
And we met them at the traffic light. :D
So in the end they werent faster than us :))

Meh. Needa go do some workkkk.
Why so many people go FMSS D:
Whay Zhang Xian go NUS High. Why cant he stay in Hwa Chong.
Why _______ go reject NUSH offer.
Why this why that. Will all my whys ever be answered.

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