one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye
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Monday, June 29, 2009
We strike like a missle; I WANNA WATCH PRISON BREAK!!!! But it's very late at night so my parents dont let me... Anyway the series is ending soon... SEASON 4. I only watched a few episodes (my grandpa introduced me to the show late) Wentworth Miller is cute :] -typical fangirl scream- Yesterday went to West Mall with SL, JM, Clar, Zenna and Nana. Went there by public bus... Bought a pressie for Millie :] Watched TRANSFORMERS!!! Awesome show mannn But at the most awesome point, I was like, I NEED TO PEEEEEEEEEEEE LOL. I had too much Coke... Ugh ok now, how was school? I heard many people in the class frequent my blog; And lo and behold, I have been told to control my wonderful vocab prowess. Now I shall attempt to be a nice polite little prefect who doesnt wanna lose her tie. Tralalala I did my duty like a nice little girl. CHINESE HOMEWORK finally. LOL. Cant think of anything else... Oh my head is foggy... LIXUAN GET WELL SOON! Eh. Im lagging more than my com... YAY FACEBOOK RULES!!! Mindjolt Games ♥ I wanna pair of Converse~ Gotta start saving up... I'm taking on another mission, time to abandon my current one Michael Scofield, the great escape, the clock is ticking... |