Friday, April 3, 2009
Time can't erase a feeling this strong; Today Math Olympaid RI competition! >.< Shan't say more. But also super-hard like hell! We go IT Hub to do :] Than after the whole thing, the teacher announce the mock test results. Which I didn't go because I was at St. Andrews; So you could say when they were doing the test, me, ZhuZhu and Kai were running around. Then, Barnabas shout he got 14%. And we burst into laughter. Highest: 46%. Everyone failed. After the whole drama, we went to class take bag. We decided to go opposite! Somemore raining leh! Wait, I thought got school bus? 4pm liao, bus should be long ago left; So me, Malvin and Ian were making up what excuses to say. At CPA: Me: Oi Malvin wait! I check if my bus left! -goes check, no bus- calls out to SF and JM so I can borrow their umbrella. Just then, THE BUS CAME. I was like, CRAP MAN. So got to sit bus and no going opposite. :( I don't get it, I live at Dover Rise for Pete's sake and I take school bus?!?!?!
Oh well, recess was fun also, but no raptor. Shan't say more. MerLim change some seats and did some admin... Eh, people; Got what homework ar?
It's not about
What poeple are saying;
[IT'S ABOUT ME] everybitofthiscrap; 