one sees clearly only with the heart
what is essential is invisible to the eye

Jacelyn. The slightly deranged teenager getting ready for the zombie apocalypse, also addicted to sugary/sweet stuff and junk food. MLIA.
Longer profile & list of links.

Some things[e] / /th-hundred post; / uh oh; [e] / ahh.. / ahhhh / Cause we are finally free tonight [e] / Argh. CA1 / CA1... / Skellig / The Little Prince /
R.a.n.t.s [e]
Thursday, March 12, 2009

We got this file;
Full of ENGLISH exam papers.
Which, was taken from various schools.
And about the Deco thing...
I'm thinking anyday also can.
Email me about the days you all can.

Today went to Serene Fong's house.
First went opposite buy drink and lunch.
Lunch=Cup noodles.
Walked to Sf's house.
Jazzy Jeng Me Lixuan Sf Sf
Audi Play Eat Talk
Clar and Nana came.
Play murderer.
Nana and Sl left;
We (me and clar) went to get Millie.
Play more audi :D
Some left. Me and Millie left :D
So here I am.

MerLim was hinting today.
Lucky that MerAng add back the marks today,
As for the prey-eat-predator question, tomorrow then shuo ba.
Tomorrow Sports Carnival!!!
Free refreshments!

Layout: vehemency